Sunday, October 28, 2012

More than just a Pair of Shoes

As I am making this blog, I have a friend sitting by my side and she gave me the idea to talk about shoes. According to her, shoes are the determinants of one's life status. She said that through the design of the shoes, we can have a guess as to the person's personality. I reflected upon this and I realized she is actually right. Sometimes if we are interested into a person, we tend to take a peek unto his/her shoes to somehow give us an idea what this person is like. Many people might just think shoes are for fashion and protection but if we dig deeper, we can see that shoes are definitely more than that.

The Giraffe Wonder

Giraffes. How I love Giraffes. I remember the day when I was still a child when I was so amazed by the fact that we were going to have a fieldtrip at Silliman Zoo. The thought made me so excited that I thought of seeing tigers, lions, penguins of different colors and my favorite, Giraffes. And when the day came, I was so disappointed to know that only bats, a single snake and 3 alligators were there. It broke my heart.

Music at its Best

In a world where everything is becoming more and more inorganic as the years pass by, the only thing left that remains as pure from its origin is music. Music is an essential part of our lives at present. Almost in everything we do, we need music to set the mood, and create an atmosphere of reality.Everybody loves music may it be pop, classical, rock or even RnB. Regardless of the genre, music is there to keep this world beating alive.

We Need RH Bill

RH Bill, one of the mosy highly controversial issues in the Philippines. Many oppose the implementation of the bill because of the fact that it contradicts our core values as a highly religious nation. However, the Philippines are experiencing tons of social problems right now and one of them is the increasingly bulging population of the country due to unplanned marriage. We need to take risk towards social change. We need to remedy the problems that are continuously affecting millions of Filip[inos at present. We need RH Bill.


I must admit, I am new into the world of blogging and I must say, I didn't really appreciate it at first. I thought it was waste of time. Until it became a requirement in my Education 21 class.I started to feel appreciation into blogs because it lets you pour out your views and emotions and reach people all over the world. Through blogs, we can hasten change and transformation. I say, despite all my loading schedules and activities in school, i will really make it a point to blog about my life and what I think it is.

True measure of Fulfillment

I recently had this book as a gift for my 18th birthday and I was really happy because I heard that this book is really inspiring. And indeed, it is. It is just a book, printed with letters and pages and covers, but if you start reading it, it becomes more than just a book, but a friend. It helps us unravel our purpose through a life with God. It introduces us into a 40-day journey towards finding out why we were created. I highly recommend you buy this book, find a partner and together share your journey towards self realization.Trust me, nothing feels more fulfilling than knowing that you exist for a reason, a special reason. God's reason.

The Quest for a Purpose

Of all the questions brewing within the contours of our minds, one very dominant would be on the question of one's life purpose. What is our purpose in life? why were we created in the first place? Now, many philosophers and experts might say that the only way to find your purpose is to intersect your potential and your passion and find alignment. Now I say self centered purpose is nothing but a dead-end. We end up frustrated, empty and unfulfilled holistically. I say, We should all start with God. Start with God simply because He created us, only the Creator knows why He created His creations. Like an inventor, only he can tell what the invention is, how it works and why it was even invented in the first place. Let us all search for our life purpose through a life in the right path. Then the day will come that all the haziness will disappear and right in front of us in full vivid colors, we can see and know our purpose in life. Start a relationship with God, and everything will come easy.